Saturday, July 28, 2012

Teacher Gear

We went shopping for some professional Thailand teacher outfits today! Here's a glimpse of our new wardrobe. :)

What do you think? Do I look 10 years older? Will teenagers listen to me even though I'm only 2 years their senior? Aren't Jules' shoes the best you've ever seen? Doesn't Julia look tanner?

Bonus: If you look closely, you'll see the two suits are actually the same thing in different colors (it becomes more obvious with the lining) so...we may or may not be matching.

Comment below! We want to know who's reading!


  1. I am reading it! Be sure to write about the Visa process, if it was interesting that is...

  2. I'm reading! You guys are adorable. Also I almost bought the exact same skirt suit the other day. Whee!
