Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Few Things Off Our Checklist

Thought I'd update with a check-in on our Road to Thailand. We got our Visas at the Thai Embassy in Hollywood which was actually fairly empty and in an almost-sketchy part of town. It took 45 minutes to drive there, LA traffic being what it is, but about 10 minutes to apply for a Visa. Problem was, Julia had to come back alone the next day to pick them up because I had work. And again, a 1.5 hour round-trip drive for 5 minutes of actually retrieving our Passports.

Still, the previous day was fun because we decided to bounce around Hollywood and act like tourists so we went to the Guinness World Record, Ripley's Believe it or Not, and Wax Museum. As well as the famous Chinese Theater with all the cement foot/hand prints.

We took the photos at home instead of going to get them taken because I'm a professional photographer with a fancy camera. Not really though, it's just that it's actually quite simple to take them on your own and I'd done it before. All you really need is a white wall, some photo paper, and Google. Now we can print as many as we want to have while applying for jobs and such. Woohoo saving money! Something that's becoming increasingly difficult to do as we realize the things we need or want to get (such as my new Kindle!) in preparation for Touchdown Thailand in T-minus 33 days and counting.

Thailand Visa

Passport Photo: Ariel

Passport Photo: Julia


  1. Cutest passport photos I've ever seen

  2. So, I'm not techie enough to figure out how to change my profile on this comment thing so you know who I am know who I am anyway. Keep on posting!

    1. I'm with Sam on the cuteness of the photos. Sho cute.
