Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bangkok Bound

I'm typing this with my thumbs on my iPhone so bear with me.

As some of you may have seen from the Facebook check-ins, we made it to our beautiful grand Marriott hotel (a parting gift from Julia's dad, Ray). The whole process was almost a little too smooth as we hopped off the plane, immediately found our luggage (right next to each other on the carousel, arriving as we walked up in a movie-like fashion), grabbed some money from an ATM, and quickly found and boarded the SkyTrain. Despite getting enormously ripped off by a taxi taking us from the SkyTrain to our hotel (which we stomached because we did after all have two 60+ pound bags and it was midnight), we've been sailing along.

The Ukulele Incident:
Thankfully short-lived, but stressful all the same. We get off the plane after our 10-hour flight and walk to the security checkpoint for international flights. As we're about to put our stuff on the X-ray belt I realize I'm missing something as I blurt out to Julia, "my ukulele, I left my ukulele, I left my ukulele on the plane." To which she responds with "gogogo." I turn around and start fast-walking back to the gate (running is out of the question with this 30-pound turtle shell on my back, also known as my backpack), which is already closed. So I try to find a security guard who speaks a little English who takes me to a woman that asks me what it looks like, takes my ticket and runs off. I thought about how silly it was that they wouldn't just let me get it myself but it felt awfully nice to have someone care so much. As usual, my emotions are fighting with my brain, with a natural inclination to break down and cry and a rational voice saying, "the worst thing that'll happen is that you lost it, okay, not the worst thing you could lose. Second worst thing is that you have to have it shipped, also not a big deal. It's going to be okay. Hold out for hope."  And as you have already figured out, she came running back with it over her shoulder. Sigh.

Julia says she's bad at adding to what I've already typed, so we'll stop here.
No real plans for today except to roam and have fun!

Typing from Thailand,


  1. THAILAND! Yay you made it! I'm so glad you got your uke! I like that you tell the dialogue part verbatim. And don't say that, Ju! You have stuff to say too, silly. And I wanna hear it.

  2. I will help you write the book based on this blog and help decide who will play you in the movie :)
