Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Things are Getting Official

Both Julia and I received our official 100-hour certificates in the mail! Mine is pictured below.

Oxford Seminars TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certificate

BUT more importantly, Julia has received a much more significant document in the mail. Super proud of this girl! And definitely very jealous as I have yet to receive mine and probably won't get it before we leave in 22 days.

Julia's Superawesomeomg Diploma from UCSD!

Julia thinks this blog is boring, but I think it's the most interesting one I've ever had! What do you think?

Thanks for being interested in our lives!


  1. This is the most interesting blog in the universe, mine anyway!

  2. Your blog is interesting! Much more interesting than the lame one I made for Chile...
    -Mallory :)

  3. This blog is superawesomeomg. Also those are some fantastic lookin' certificates of awesomeness.
